Thursday, April 5, 2012

piggy banks!

Louise, posing stoically
Piggy banks
Oh coinstar, how many times have you saved me from unexpected money uh ohs?...well, more than I can keep track of now, but still you’re only half the battle, Louise my lil piggy bank does the rest of the work, she keeps my pennies and sometimes buttons safe and sound. But when and where did the first piggy bank come from?
“In Middle English, "pygg" referred to a type of clay used for making various household objects such as jars. People often saved money in kitchen pots and jars made of pygg, called "pygg jars". By the 18th century, the spelling of "pygg" had changed and the term "pygg jar" had evolved to "pig bank." Once the meaning had transferred from the substance to the shape, piggy banks began to be made from other substances, including glass, plaster, and plastic.”
The oldest piggy bank type thing dates from 2nd century B.C and was shaped like a little Greek temple. Those ancient Greeks were super crafty and I guess thrifty!
All and all Louise and I will continue to collect our spare change and turn it into lunch money during summers…lol…. I feed her and she feeds me. It’s a symbiotic relationship and it works!

1 comment:

  1. You should just hit up regular banks if you're cashing in. They don't charge you any money! However, they ask you roll up your coins...and I do believe give them out for free if you ask. :)
